
Greta, Tokatawin, Patrisse, Gloria. We are 13 to 85. We are Generation Solve.
Most of you have now heard about Greta Thunberg, the 16-year old Swedish climate activist who has barreled into the media over the last year. Greta striking alone in front of the Swedish parliament, inspiring millions of students to join her every Friday Read More

Director’s Fellows Program
The Director’s Fellows program is creating a diverse global network empowered by technology and creativity from the MIT Media Lab. Read More

MIT Media Lab Director’s Fellows announced for 2019
NBA star, Polynesian voyager, mayor of Stockton, California, are among the new cohort working to build bridges between MIT and the world. Read More

En terres navajo, la médecine « aux mains qui tremblent
Indiens d’Amérique (5/6). La Nation navajo s’est fait une place à part dans le monde indien. Elle a réussi à conserver une partie de ses traditions, dans lesquelles la médecine traditionnelle, qui soigne le corps et l’esprit, tient une place importante. Read More

Les Indiens Navajo en quête de solutions de développement
La fermeture annoncée de la centrale à charbon va entraîner la perte de nombreux emplois et de millions de dollars pour la tribu à cheval entre Arizona, Utah et Nouveau-Mexique. Les jeunes reviennent créer des start-up, mais la bureaucratie est un frein majeur à l’innovation. Read More

Navajo Ethno Agriculture
The Gold King Mine Spill, during which 3 million gallons of acidic mining waste spilled into the river in 2015, caused a sudden decline in agriculture activity among Navajo crop producers and consumers, as crop growth was disrupted due to partial contamination of irrigation systems. Read More

MIT Solve announces seven Fellows for the 2019 Indigenous Communities Fellowship
MIT Solve, an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, announced the seven Fellows selected for the 2019 MIT Solve Indigenous Communities Fellowship. Each Fellow will receive $10,000 in funding and will work with Solve to broker partnerships within MIT and beyond to advance the Fellows’ projects. Read More